Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Well, much as I have enjoyed my time here...it's time for me to go home. I'm moving back to this address.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Loopy's Soundtrack

A buddy did this a long time ago. I kind of started the project, and forgot about it, and came across my draft when I was looking for something on my computer. The idea? If your life were a movie, pick the soundtrack.

Opening Credits: Gorillaz - "Clint Eastwood"

Waking up: Concrete Blonde - "Everybody Knows"

Average Day: Matchbox 20 - "Unwell"

First Date: Pixies - "Here Comes Your Man"

Falling in Love: Norah Jones - "Come Away with Me"

Love Scene: Debussy - "Clair de Lune"

Sex Scene: Nine Inch Nails – "The Only Time"

Fight Scene: Violent Femmes - "Kiss Off"

Breaking Up: Indigo Girls - "Fill it up Again"

Together: Bic Runga - "Sway"

Wedding Scene: Sister Hazel - "All for You"

Secret Love: Morrissey - "The More You Ignore Me"

Life's Ok: Jack Johnson - "Never Know"

Mental Breakdown: REM - "Find the River"

Driving: Luna - "Moon Palace"

Learning a Lesson: Fiona Apple - "Never is a Promise"

Deep Thought: Dave Matthews Band - "Grey Street"

Flashback to Childhood: BJ Thomas - "Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head"

Partying: Madonna - "Ray of Light"

Happy Dance: Sublime - "Santeria"

Regretting: Tracy Chapman - "At This Point in My Life"

Long Night Alone: Karla Bonoff - "Falling Star"

Death Scene: Melissa Etheridge - "Letting Go"

Closing Credits: Tori Amos - "Tear in Your Hand"

Thursday, August 25, 2005

The Fact That I Was Doing Semi-Grown-Up Stuff Ten Years Ago Makes Me Feel Old.

Work is boring. Let’s do a survey…thanks to WCG .

10 Years Ago:

I had just finished my junior year of college and broken up with GEB. That was also the summer that KT and I really became friends, and bonded extensively over many bowls and games of millipede.

5 Years Ago:

I was working at a small law firm, living in Norman, and I believe that’s about the time that my little Sissy came to live with me. I believe there was some fucked-up boy stuff going on, too.

1 Year Ago:

I was working at a job I loved, starting a blog, dating two guys, and in better shape than I’d ever been…which isn’t saying much.


I went to the dermatologist because of a stupid rash/infection thing on my arm that’s been there for months. I went to my regular doctor, who just kinda looked at it and prescribed a week of antibiotics which did almost nothing. It’s not like it’s painful or anything, but it’s ugly. And no, I am not posting a picture. The dermatologist said it was folliculitis, and wants me to be on an antibiotic for the next two months. This is not your basic normal antibiotic, either. You can’t take it with calcium or iron (which basically means you can’t eat or take vitamins at the same time you take it), and it makes you extra-sensitive to the sun. Lovely. I already could be the poster child for skin-cancer risk. However, if it fixes the problem, I will stop bitching. That may take 3-4 weeks, according to the doctor.

Also yesterday, I indulged my newly-discovered craving for sushi. (Clarity, this is all your fault.) The SuperTarget near work has a most excellent deli…and one of the choices is sushi. They even have the sushi chefs there if you want something different. When I discovered that a big pile of California rolls has almost no Weight Watchers “points,” it was all over. What sucks is that I start my new job on September 6th, and there is not a SuperTarget anywhere near it, dammit.

Five Favorite Snacks:

String Cheese
Rosemary & Olive Oil Triscuits
Sun Chips
Microwave Popcorn

Five Songs I Know All the Words to:

(My own caveat: that are not by the Indigo Girls, Tori Amos, or REM)

Cyndi Lauper – “She Bop”
The Cure – “Just Like Heaven”
The Pixes – “Here Comes Your Man”
Joni Mitchell – “Big Yellow Taxi”
Counting Crows - “Round Here”

Five Things I Would Do with $100 Million:

Pay off all debt
Pay off friends’ debt
Buy a house
Set up a charitable foundation

Five Places to Which I Would Run Away:

Coast of Oregon
New York

Five Things I Would Never Wear:

Anything with a giant bow on the ass
Those “Croc” shoes (ugly. plastic.)
A uniform
Pantyhose with sandals
Low-rise jeans

Five Favorite TV Shows:

Dead Like Me
What Not to Wear
CSI: Wherever
South Park
The Biggest Loser

Five Biggest Joys:

Being right
My kitties
Hanging with my girlfriends
Getting e-mails telling me I have blog comments

Five Favorite Toys:

MP3 Player
Handheld Yahtzee

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Bathrooms and Brain Death

After reading about Andria and DK and their kitty bathroom issues, it reminded me of something.

Weight Watchers.

Bear with me here. Perhaps I should explain that, during my mysterious absence, I joined the old WW. I lost a little the first few weeks, then, due to stress, I started eating my weight in M&M’s regularly….so the scale was being an evil whore.

Anyway, I sucked it up and didn’t ditch the meeting last night. The scale wasn’t as mean as I thought she was going to be, but she certainly wasn’t very nice. For some reason, she seems to prefer salad and broiled chicken breasts to tortillas dipped in cheese sauce and chimichangas. I got there kind of early and got my weigh-in over with. Then, I sat and watched the rest of the group file in. Without exception, each and every person went to the bathroom before they got on the scale.

I got a new job! I don’t have to be in this hell-hole any more after Monday! And, me being the devious sort, I told the new job I couldn’t start until after Labor Day. Loopy needs a vacation. Actually, what Loopy needs is to clean her nasty house and play some Chuzzle and go to the gym. Anyone want to guess which activity will likely win?

Also, during that “missing in action” phase, I purchased the complete second season of Dead Like Me on DVD. For those of you who haven’t seen it, it’s a Showtime series. It’s completely the most fucked up thing ever. And I love it.

This morning, my friend JS e-mailed. She’s currently on the quest to become a PA, and has been taking a variety of fun classes like Chemistry and Microbiology. This semester, she’s taking Physiology. They have to get on a website to do various things for class, and so the professor asked them to post a little description of themselves…just for “getting to know you” purposes. Here were some of the responses:

Hello everyone. My name is Heather. I graduated from Mustang High School. I am a 21 year-old transfer student and this is my first semester at OU, although I have ALWAYS wanted to go here. I am a pre-nursing student as of now, but I continuously change my major. I LOVE all sciences EXCEPT Chemistry. I also have two long-haired dachshunds named Zoe and Bella. They are adorable!

Hi guys. My name is Meggan Henry and I am from Binghamton, New York. I am a junior and my major is Health and Sport Science and Physical Therapy. I love OU and it is a great campus. My roomies and I just brought a house here in Norman. I love listening to punk music and i love to do just about anything from watching movies to clubbing to whatever. It is all about having fun!

well my name is whitney. im from good ol' Texas!!! but dont worry, im a sooner through and through and truely bleed crimson and cream...i came here simply because i love OU...im a science education major and also pre-dental. i hope to one day run my own ortho practice. until then i just study and hang with my two bestest friends. college life is great and i never want to leave.

Hey everyone! My name is Tiffany and i'm from OKC. My major is PT and I love it here at OU. And for a girl i'm a HUGE football fan. I was coming to all the games even before we were national champs. I work at Johnny Carinos on the southside. One crazy thing about me is I took every class this semester with my friend. How many people can do that with this enrollment process. Well hope its a great semester for all!!!

Welcome to OU Dr. Ketchum!! My name is Josh Davis and in the past two years I have discovered what a great place this is, and I hope that you will experience the same in your first semester at our great university! I'm looking forward to your class. You seem very upbeat and extremely interested in what you do, and that is a nice change from some professors. Anyways, I'm from Claremore, OK which is just northeast of Tulsa. I've lived there all my life and wouldn't change a thing! Three interesting facts about me.........hmmmm, lets see. I am extremely involved on campus; I am currently working on Homecoming 2005, The Big Event, and I was a Camp Crimson Counselor over the summer. I work in the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs (V.P. Clarke Stroud) as a student clerk. And third, I am obsessed with the weather; I think its just from growing up in Oklahoma and always being outside, but I can't wait till spring co mes so I can go storm chasing! Anyways, I look forward to meeting you personaly in class, and I'm looking forward to a great semester!
-Josh Davis

Here was my suggestion for JS for what she should post:
Hi, I'm JS. I am originally from the depths of hell, but I list my official home as Texas. I hate OU (go Longhorns!!), but I'm stuck here for the time being. I have two cats and two children, both of whom share my love for satanic rituals. In my free time, I like to make voodoo dolls, research deadly poisons, and dance naked by the light of the moon.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Taking Nose-Picking to a Whole New Level

I sustained grievous injuries in my fall from the earth…

Okay, not really. I really don’t have a good excuse for not updating, other than my job situation. See, at the temp job of death, I was sharing an office with STASH and SACK. Therefore, any blogging activities were impossible, because they could both see what I was doing every second of every day. Now, we have moved offices, and I have my own office again. Praise be. Of course, I have had way too many projects. They know I’m going to leave as soon as I get another job, so they just keep dumping crap on my desk.

I have an interview for a job I really want this afternoon. Send good vibes. This place is wearing me down.

So a couple of weeks ago, I went to get my nails done. While there, I overheard a conversation between two college-age chicks. One was reminiscing about the first time she ever had fake nails.

The substance of the conversation was not how they looked, or how weird it is to have them the first time.

Her observation: “It took nose-picking to a whole new level.”

Interviewing for jobs sucks. It particularly sucks when your temp job gives you the daily guilt trip about staying, and when those with whom you are interviewing make you come back three times and then tell you they hired someone else. To add insult to injury, the office administrator said something about “keeping my resume on file” for an upcoming position.

Bitch, please. Unless “on file” is a euphemism for “in the recycle bin,” don’t give me any of your crap. That’s worse than going on a date with someone, thinking it was good, having them make a big production of asking for and writing down the digits, and then never calling.

In addition to hating my job duties, I loathe and despise Microsoft Office. Here is the e-mail I sent to BFRB yesterday afternoon:

FROM: [GoingLoopy]

Have you ever done a mail merge from Excel? If so, do you know why, for the love of all that is holy, every. single. (insert obscenity). time. you try to merge, and there's a zip + 4, Word turns it into a ZERO????

I have tried formatting the data (in Excel) as a zip code, as text, as "general", as numbers...doesn't matter. Word gets it, and it's a zero. Our IT guy can't fix it, either. Any ideas?

The (insert obscenity) is because her work e-mail server wants people to be all nice and polite and not use naughty language.

Fuck a bunch of that.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

An Actual For Real Update....Sorta


I have decided, like a number of my other buddies, to make this my primary blog address. This requires a lot of work on my part, but I am most tired of the Diaryland bullshit, and feel that this move will be best in the long run. So basically, I have to move my archives, find a template that doesn't suck, link to all my buddies both on and off Diaryland...sigh. Thinking about this makes me tired. Almost tired enough to just pay for the Diaryland Gold Membership again.

However, then I think about the stupid server crashes and all that other crap, and I become firm in my resolve.

I'll get right to fixing this. Just as soon as I play another game of Chuzzle.