Wednesday, August 03, 2005

An Actual For Real Update....Sorta


I have decided, like a number of my other buddies, to make this my primary blog address. This requires a lot of work on my part, but I am most tired of the Diaryland bullshit, and feel that this move will be best in the long run. So basically, I have to move my archives, find a template that doesn't suck, link to all my buddies both on and off Diaryland...sigh. Thinking about this makes me tired. Almost tired enough to just pay for the Diaryland Gold Membership again.

However, then I think about the stupid server crashes and all that other crap, and I become firm in my resolve.

I'll get right to fixing this. Just as soon as I play another game of Chuzzle.


warcrygirl said...

Oh honey trust me, once you're here you're gonna LOVE it. It will so be worth the initial hassle.

Sorry I wasn't much help earlier; I feel like I've let you down. *sob!*

Anonymous said...

Man, I can't believe you moved over to blogger! Everyone is sad. All my favorites too. It must be a conspiracy. Well, I'll enjoy reading you here. *dramatic sigh*

By the way, I love Chuzzles..Those big quivering fur balls blinking at you and the little psychedelic explosions. Love it!

Anonymous said...

Oh, my dear and much loved Loopy... Am sad to hear you're moving from DLand but I totally know what you mean, it's starting to get really annoying. I am closing RS&C moving somewhere else myself (though am doing it for particular reasons I'll explain later). Anyway, I hope you know I'm with you and sending you much love. I'll let you know where I'll move so you can continue visiting me because, without you, the journal wouldn't be the same! All the love and brightness and star hugs, Josh (aka Kiosh). =0)

OneMoreSnooze said...

Yay Blogspot! I'm up against the same thing, Loopy, and I'm being very lazy about moving stuff. Bah. You'll like it here, though. Good company. And better formats. And MUCH easier to format and upload pictures. (So why am I still at DLand...?!!)

warcrygirl said...

What, did you fall off the face of the earth or something? ;)