Friday, August 19, 2005

Taking Nose-Picking to a Whole New Level

I sustained grievous injuries in my fall from the earth…

Okay, not really. I really don’t have a good excuse for not updating, other than my job situation. See, at the temp job of death, I was sharing an office with STASH and SACK. Therefore, any blogging activities were impossible, because they could both see what I was doing every second of every day. Now, we have moved offices, and I have my own office again. Praise be. Of course, I have had way too many projects. They know I’m going to leave as soon as I get another job, so they just keep dumping crap on my desk.

I have an interview for a job I really want this afternoon. Send good vibes. This place is wearing me down.

So a couple of weeks ago, I went to get my nails done. While there, I overheard a conversation between two college-age chicks. One was reminiscing about the first time she ever had fake nails.

The substance of the conversation was not how they looked, or how weird it is to have them the first time.

Her observation: “It took nose-picking to a whole new level.”

Interviewing for jobs sucks. It particularly sucks when your temp job gives you the daily guilt trip about staying, and when those with whom you are interviewing make you come back three times and then tell you they hired someone else. To add insult to injury, the office administrator said something about “keeping my resume on file” for an upcoming position.

Bitch, please. Unless “on file” is a euphemism for “in the recycle bin,” don’t give me any of your crap. That’s worse than going on a date with someone, thinking it was good, having them make a big production of asking for and writing down the digits, and then never calling.

In addition to hating my job duties, I loathe and despise Microsoft Office. Here is the e-mail I sent to BFRB yesterday afternoon:

FROM: [GoingLoopy]

Have you ever done a mail merge from Excel? If so, do you know why, for the love of all that is holy, every. single. (insert obscenity). time. you try to merge, and there's a zip + 4, Word turns it into a ZERO????

I have tried formatting the data (in Excel) as a zip code, as text, as "general", as numbers...doesn't matter. Word gets it, and it's a zero. Our IT guy can't fix it, either. Any ideas?

The (insert obscenity) is because her work e-mail server wants people to be all nice and polite and not use naughty language.

Fuck a bunch of that.


warcrygirl said...

SQUEEEE!!!! Not only did I totally guilt you into a new entry but I'm also first.


*ahem* Welcome back sweetie. ;)

Anonymous said...

HEY! There you are!! I've been missing you.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see you're back.

Anonymous said...

Loopy, you live!! I thought you fell off the Earth, my dear.

I, too, hate MS office. And mail merges.

Good luck getting out of that suckhole job you're at. I can't deal with these lapses in updates, missy. ;)

Anonymous said...

Due to my injury, nosepicking is out

Anonymous said...

There you are. Was having a difficult time seeing you through the godlike glare of warcry's dorkiness. -- P.P.